Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1000 sale party

AXDSC06717, originally uploaded by tomi&tree.

As I promised Madeline and Fiorina (my 2 nieces visiting us from Taiwan) that we would throw a party when Sora Designs reached 1000 sale, we had our party on August 2 (when it was still 999 sales). It looks like a Halloween costume party. It felt great that my families can be with me to celebrate this moment.

Sora Designs 1000 Sales!

A_soradesigns_sold_1000th_2, originally uploaded by tomi&tree.

I sold my first item on October 6th, 2008 and 10 months later, Sora Designs reached 1000 sales in Etsy. (More than 1000 items were made due to custom made bridesmaids pieces). If counting wholesales and consignments and street fairs, it's probably more than 1400 items, I don't know.) That's a lot considering each item was made by my 2 bare hands.

When I brought more pieces to the MOCFA (Museum of Craft and Folk Art) yesterday, the store manager told me that a guy came in and bought a pair of my earrings to propose to his girlfriend. I was really touched. I was also extremely satisfied when the customer told me that they wore my necklace at their wedding days or that their bridesmaids love the necklaces that I made. This is what keep me up at night or up early working because I know what I do really means a lot to my customer.